Albuquerque Emotional Wellness

Philosophy and Theoretical Approach

The Albuquerque Emotional Wellness  treatment model incorporates aspects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT).  ACT and DBT rely heavily on the development of mindfulness skills to cope with life stress. Mindfulness is a state of active, open attention on the present. 

 When you are mindful you observe your thoughts and feelings from a distance without judging them. I also work with clients to identify core values and needs, and teach them to make requests, set better boundaries, and to master forgiveness and acceptance strategies. You will walk away from this program having thoroughly practiced seven core emotional wellness skills that will help you regulate negative emotions and cope better with life stress.


​I believe strongly that individuals interested in restoring emotional balance and psychological well being need to tackle their mental health problems holistically. Depression and many mental illnesses are known to be systemic; meaning diseases that affect several areas of the body in addition to the brain. This is why I offer a comprehensive, non-medical, self-care assessment as part of my mental health intake done early in therapy. This will provide you with additional information to make better lifestyle choices resulting in a healthier mind-body connection. 

A unique approach to adult and adolescent psychotherapy and education